Patterns & Classes

Designed by

Artists Like You

How to upload Files in your dashboard

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Checklist for Upload

  • Pattern scanned and titled as per instructions (pattern must be saved and uploaded as a PDF)
  • Photo of your finished piece - run through file compressors.
  • Representational photo of you (if not previously provided)
  • Additional instructions documents (optional)

Log in to your vendor account with the information you received in your welcome as a new vendor.

Getting Started

Save as Draft: the first box in right sidebar - At any time in the process of creating a new product you may “save draft” and come back and edit your product.


On the left side of your screen, find the word “Products”, hover your cursor/pointer over, and choose "add new product".

Enter Pattern Name

Enter your pattern name in the box that says “Product Name”. Be sure to add the word “Pattern” after the name so the buyer knows it’s just the pattern they are purchasing. If it is for a specific size scarf, please include the dimensions. i.e.: Daisy Pattern 8”x72” – adding your Designer Name to the product is optional. When viewed by customers, they will see that it is being sold by you.

Add the main color image for your pattern

Click the “add media” button and your media library window should pop up. Now you can click the upload button and choose the file or drag your file to the box and upload an image for your pattern. Once the file has uploaded. Click it to highlight it. Then click the “insert into product” button.

Product Data Section

  •        Leave it as a “Simple Product
  •        Click both virtual and downloadable boxes to check-mark them.


Regular Price: enter the price you are selling your pattern for – a minimum of $15.00 US dollars. Leave the sale price blank.

Downloadable file:

  • Click the “add file” button.
  • Type in the name of your pattern first. Always include the word “pattern” in the name.
  • Next, click the “choose file” button. Choose your file if you have already uploaded it, or upload it from your computer by either dragging the file to the window or click the "Select Files” button. Then click “insert file URL” in lower right (blue). If you have supporting documents/images be sure to include those files by adding them as separate files to the same product. Please always include the “how to print your pattern” file.

Download Limit: set to 2

Download expiry: how soon does a customer need to download their file, set to 30

Tax Status: By My Design is based in the state of Washington in the US. Washington state requires sales tax to be collected for virtual and downloadable products.

Tax Class: please leave at the standard default.

Commission: not adjustable. You will receive 75% of the sale price.


  • SKU – leave blank
  • Manage stock? Click the box “enable stock management” to mark it if you want to control how many of that pattern are sold. You will see 3 boxes.
    • Stock quantity: First decide how many patterns you want to sell and put that number in the first box.
    • Backorders – do not enable.
    • Low stock threshold – leave at 2.
    • Sold individually – check may be left blank

Shipping: If you are seeing a shipping tab, you’ve not yet clicked the virtual and downloadable file boxes. Everything you are selling is a downloadable file.

Linked products: Upsells and cross-sells – if you have patterns that are similar or go together this is where to choose other product suggestions…hover over? see explanation.

Attributes: Add feature descriptions that don’t fall under a specified category. Separate each descriptor by a “|”…symbol found as uppercase to the “ ” on a qwerty keyboard.


Right Sidebar

Categories: choose the categories you want your pattern to show in. At the very least, always choose your artist name and then choose any/all applicable categories or subcategories. If your pattern is designed to fit a specific size be sure to select it. If you have several patterns that fit a category not listed send us an email at to have a category added.

Tags: If you use tags for search purposes, add them in this section.

Astra Settings: Nothing to do in this section

Product Image: Click the “set product image” link. This should be a skewed image or a “piece of the pattern” image in color representing your Pattern on the main shopping page. Select if everything looks good. Make sure the image is not the actual pattern file.

  • Either select from your image library or upload the image and click the “set product Image” button (lower right, in blue).
  • Remember - send your images through the 2 compressors before uploading
  • This one first -
  • This one second -

Product Gallery: Additional color images you want to show for your pattern. These will appear when a customer clicks on the product. Find image/s in your image library or upload, then click the “Add to Gallery” button (lower right, in blue).

Preview: The first box in the right sidebar...

When you feel like you have everything loaded, go ahead and click the preview button to see how your product will appear. Make any changes needed, then…

Submit for Review

If you are happy with what your product looks like, hit the “submit for review” button located below the Preview button. We’ll take a look and make sure all the necessary components are included. If changes need to be made we’ll let you know.  If everything looks as if you are well represented, we’ll activate your product.

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